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NYSS Admin

Back-2-Back Podiums For Dominic Konareski

The back-to-back season opener is finished as Dominic Konareski impressed, getting two podiums in two races. This was a very heart pounding race as right into the first turn Konareski spun and hit the wall, "The backend just came around and I couldn't save it, we ended up stalling against the wall, but we still had a long race to go." Over the next laps Konareski would keep on the pace and pass cars, posting good lap times as he showed great lap times with the best being a 34.964, which is 1.079 seconds better then the race last night. "Our car was freaky fast, it was like playing a video game on easy mode"

On the final lap Konareski would spin in the middle of lap traffic, "It really sucked, we were in second at the time and I broke hard to avoid hitting in the back of the #4 (Sowick) which made my car stall and I saw the third place car pass me for position and it was disappointing, but that's racing and we have many races left." Dominic would finish in third place, granting him a spot on the podium and ending the double header season kickoff with podiums, each third place finishes in both races. "We are above where we are expected to preform, I truly thank God and everyone else who got me here and hopefully we can keep this momentum into the next race."

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